
Here is a little more about our vision

CTSC is a group of dedicated developers and crypto enthusiasts, striving to make the crypto space a more user-friendly place. Our vision is to build tools that will help people maintain their portfolio as well as providing support when things go wrong. The mission is to build a single platform where people can obtain all the information needed to keep up to date, get instructions, raise issues, rate their experiences and better understand the coins that are available. We aim to be the no.1 place to go to when having your morning coffee, to build an easy to use tool that displays a summary of accumulated information from various sources, a tool that will save you time and money. So why the coin? Well, CTSC hopes to build interactive tools that will reward end users for their valuable contribution and time, we feel that everyone should be rewarded for participating in making the blockchain space a better place, even if you can’t afford to buy, mine, stake or run a masternode. We at CTSC believe that with hard work and dedication, comes freedom and serenity.

Coin Stats

Here is a bit more info about our coin and rewards

Maximum Supply
52,729,750 CTSC
Block Per Day
Masternode Collateral
25,000 CTSC
Coin Type
Masternode / PoS
Coin Ticker
Coin Name
Crypto Trading Solutions

Reward Table

Always nice to get some rewards

Block Reward PoS MN Dev PoS / MN / Dev Days
251-5k 1 0.25 0.75 0.0 25% / 75% / 0% 3
5001-10k 1 0.25 0.75 0.0 25% / 75% / 0% 3
10,001-25k 50 12.5 37.5 0.0 25% / 75% / 0% 10
25,001-250k 40 8 32 0.0 20% / 80% / 0 % 156
250,001-500k 50 7.5 42,5 0.0 15% / 85% / 0% 173
500,001-590k 60 6 54 0.0 10% / 90% / 0% 63
590,001-600k 7 2.1 4.9 0.0 30% / 70% / 0% 7
600,001-700k 7 3.5 3.5 0.0 50% / 50% / 0% 70
700,001-800k 6 3.0 3.0 0.0 50% / 50% / 0% 70
800,001-900k 4 2.0 2.0 0.0 50% / 50% / 0% 70
900,001-1m 3 1.5 1.5 0.0 50% / 35% / 0% 70
1,000,001- 2 1.0 1.0 0.0 50% / 35% / 0%


Where is our journey taking us?

We have moved our roadmap to the CTSC Platform where you can track and vote for the features you like


Select your wallet for your operating system.


Mac OS

Linux 16.04


Some extra info and reading


Your help is always appreciated. Thank you

Donation Addresses
Bitcoin BTC
Litecoin LTC
Ethereum ETH
Dogecoin DOGE